3 Things to Include in Writing a Book Review

Book Reviews can be a validation to future readers of whether a certain novel is worth investing time and money in. Truly, when millions of literary works are available, book reviews cut to the chase and help to dwindle down the choices for readers. That’s why you want to write a review that offers the best representation of a certain book as well as the author. When writing a review, there are three things you may want to include to assure your potential readers are properly informed and anxious to read the book you are reviewing.

The first thing is to hook your readers. If the fish don’t bite, you won’t have any catches. We live in a world where we are bombarded with so much reading material, that many people only take the time to read what catches their eye, like a shiny fishing lure. You are going to have to work hard to compete with the over-saturated market to get someone to read your review. Additionally, if a book review isn’t worth reading, it might reflect that the book in which the review is about is equally unprofitable. So, how do you hook a reader? With powerful and captivating words that motivate someone to action. You want to use words that literally grab a reader’s attention and catch their interest; words that cause someone to abandon their busy schedule and look twice. Which book review would you want to read? One that begins with, “This book was a good read because it had exciting moments in it.” or “Engage in this exciting novel and you will discover the thrill of your life!”

Second, be honest. Be honest in reading the actual novel and honest in what you write about it. I once had someone offer to write a book review if I would send her a complimentary copy of my first book. She added that she was quick, and offered a reasonable pay rate for future reviews. She suggested that she could teach me how to do fast reviews also. Shortly after, she wrote a terrible review for me. The content was general for any book, and evident that she had not read it but perhaps skimmed it. It did not properly exhibit my book and I was quite disappointed. Once you have read the entire novel you are reviewing, write your honest evaluation. Include how you felt about the book and how it compared with other books of the same genre. Could you recommend the book to other readers? Which readers would be most likely to enjoy it? Share any qualifications about the author and conclude by summarizing your overall perspective about the novel.

Third, and possibly most importantly, proofread your book review. It’s difficult to read something if you are constantly being hung up on poor grammar, spelling errors, or improper usage of punctuation. Take the time to revise your book review, even allowing some time after you have written it before doing a final revision.

Writing book reviews can be satisfying for writers, authors, and readers, alike. Offer the most with your skills by including valuable content that is captivating, honest, and thorough, and you will reap the rewards of a propelling review that will merit reputable results and earn you future opportunities.