How can you make money from home with your hobby? Anyone with a passion for a particular hobby, pastime or interest would love to be able to earn money from it. We all would, but there are very few people who are fortunate enough to be able to do this. However, there is a way that it can be done for almost anyone who is passionate about their hobby.
The answer lies in the Internet. Marketing online, in partnership with the right online business, offers the flexibility to either finance your hobby or in some cases to earn so much money from it that you can quit your day job and indulge in your hobby full time.
Let me explain further. Marketing successfully online (or offline for that matter) relies on getting your product under the noses of as many people as possible. Today that can be accomplished through Social Marketing using sites such as Twitter or Facebook to make contact and develop relationships with people.
Relationships are developed by adding value with your contributions and in doing so building trust and a list of loyal followers.
Let me give you an example.
I had called a prospect interested in my business. His wife answered the phone and my prospect (lets call him Al) was reluctant to talk because he was tired. Not a good start. Eventually we began to talk about his current job (nightclub manager) how fed up he was with it (It made him tired) and what he would like to do in an ideal world.
Chuckling, he said, ” Of course I’d really like to do something along the lines of my hobby, toy soldier collecting, but that’s just wishful thinking”.
“Soldiers? I asked, “Tell me more”.
Now, here’s the funny thing. At this point any sense of tiredness disappeared from Al’s voice because we were now discussing a subject about which he was passionate, his hobby. It was as if I was now talking to a different person.
“I’m not talking about plastic toys here,” he said, “I’m talking about collectable die cast models. I’ve been collecting them for more than 20 years but it’s very difficult for us collectors to source them in Europe, we usually have to go to the States to get them because that’s where most of the collectors are. I’d love to be able to give advice, source and sell models to collectors in Europe”.
Al had just identified a niche market (His hobby). An activity specially suited to his interests and an area of demand for a product or service.
I said, “Al, what if I can show you a way to create an online presence that promotes you as the “go to” man for information related to your specialist hobby, not just in Europe, but the world? Would you be interested?”
To cut a long story short, oh yes, Al was very interested and we spent the next 20 minutes talking about the types of services and products that he and his fellow collectors would be interested in.
So how could he make money from his hobby?
Well, in a number of ways. By creating an informative website or blog on his hobby, Al will soon build a large list of followers (“The Money Is In The List”) who appreciate the value that he gives them on his site.
He can now sensibly market any of his hobby-related products or services to this list.
He can market his primary internet business as a means for the people on his list to finance their hobbies.
He can market any suitable products included with his primary internet business to his list.
He can carefully affiliate market suitable products and services from other related sources.
But best of all, he is now in a position where he can take control of his work life and earn money doing something that he enjoys and is passionate about. He can create his own job freedom – Earning Money From His Hobby.
In essence it’s as simple as that.