Paul McKenna has written a series of books some of which I have read. He is a master of hypnosis and uses self-hypnosis in the CD’s accompanying the series of books. He also uses NLP and other exercises, the book is backed by scientific research into using your brain more effectively. This book aims to increase your various intelligences from verbal to spiritual. There are mind maps and summaries after each chapter for a quick recap and learning review.
Yesterday I spent an unusual day reading this book. I wasn’t confined to my bed or being lazy, in fact I read the first chapter the night before and continued in the morning over my first cuppa. During the day I read between shopping and other chores and at 9.55pm I had finished the book.
It was an easy to read adventure on using your brain more effectively; one chapter led into the next so easily I didn’t want to stop reading. There was one exception, a chapter on passing exams, well not being a student for me it was irrelevant, I’m not planning to take exams, but obviously very important to students reading this book.
There were exercises to practice within the pages and CD’s, (if I hadn’t previously, given them away to my student Granddaughter)! The CD’s are to play at night to reinforce the exercises.
I have read several of Paul McKenna’s other books but I have been more impressed by this one as I find brain development fascinating. The reason it appealed to me at the moment, is because I am trying to learn many new techniques in my business and I am not at all technical, in fact quite a technophobe and I thought it would help with the challenges! I will have to see the outcome when I have been practising the exercises for a while.
However things covered were: improving your memory, speed reading, better decision-making, and an excellent chapter with many aha moments on understanding where negative self-image developed and how to eliminate them and improve your learning potential hundred-fold, and much more.
It would be a great benefit to learn to touch type fast, speed read, and make better decisions, become technically adept and confident in my ability, improve concentration and easily remember peoples names, and perhaps many more skills; I’m up for the challenge.
There are chapters on how you can learn anything as learning is a natural ability, which age need not diminish. You are as capable of learning at 90 as 9 years old and there are scientifically proven exercises to keep your mind active in later years.
I need to get hold of the CD’s and give the complete lessons a fair trial. It would seem this book could help everyone in all walks of life from students to business people, and people just wanting to improve their hobbies or sports, or even set up a business. Everyone could find some benefits within its pages if they are prepared to take the suggestions seriously and follow the exercises.
My aim is to improve my online business skills and make the tasks simpler with new found confidence, so if starting your own business is on your agenda it could help you too. Your own business could add to your income now and be expanded to take care of early retirement, (follow my articles to find out more), but whatever your plans, learn to work smarter not harder!