Spanish Subjunctive: Widespread Triggers

In yet another of my articles I talked about the finest methods to learn Spanish verb endings and how to conjugate unique Spanish verbs. I think it is definitely vital to understand the context of each individual Spanish verb tense so at the time you conjugate the verb you are utilizing it in the proper way. The subjunctive is a little distinct having said that mainly because the Spanish subjunctive has about 40 prevalent triggers which you will probably ever actually use – this signifies that if you can find out these you will have a fantastic understanding of Spanish subjunctive phrases and will not likely have to retain coming back to the elaborate principles involving doubt, expression and so forth. There are of system far more than people in this listing – nonetheless I consider if you study the list of Spanish subjunctive triggers underneath you have a pretty fantastic idea of when to use the Spanish existing subjunctive.

Subjunctive phrases making use of the construct “es… que”

No es cierto que – it is not particular that (take note: only subjunctive if destructive)

No es verdad que – it is not genuine that (observe: only subjunctive if negative)

Es possible / improbable que – It is possible / unbelievable that

Es posible que – It is feasible that

Es necesario / preciso / menester que – It is important that

Es ridículo que – It is absurd that

Es una lástima que – its a pity that

Es bueno / malo que – it is excellent / negative that

Es dudoso que – it is uncertain that

Es aconsejable que – it is highly recommended that

Es preferible que – it is preferible that

Es fácil / difícil que – it is uncomplicated /tough that

Es fantástico que – it is fantastic que

Es increíble que – it is extraordinary that

Es incierto que – it is unsure that

Es mejor / peor que – it is much better / even worse that

Es raro que – it is rare that

Es terrible que – it is horrible that

Verbs triggering the Spanish subjunctive when followed by “que”

Aconsejar que – to suggest that

Querer que – to want that

Preferir que – to favor that

Esperar que – to hope that

Alegrarse de que – to be delighted that

Gustar que – to like that

Estar contento de que – to be delighted that

Estar en contra de que – to be from that

Hace falta que – it is vital that

Importar(le) que – to be important that

Insistir en que – to insist that

Conviene que – it is sensible that

Dar miedo que – to be terrified that

Dudar que – to doubt that

Mandar que – to get that

Negar que – to deny that

Molestar(le) que – to loathe that

Parecer(le) bien mal / bien que – to seem to be very good / poor that

Pedir(le) que – to request a person that

No creer / pensar que – to not consider that (notice: only subjunctive if unfavorable)

No parecer que – to not appear to be that (note: only subjunctive if negative)

No estar seguro que – no to be positive that (notice: only subjunctive if negative)

No estar de acuerdo de que – to not agree that (note: only subjunctive if adverse)

No estar convencido de que – to not be convinced that (be aware: only subjunctive if damaging)

No suponer que – to not suppose that (take note: only subjunctive if detrimental)

Ojala / desear que – to wish that

Perdonar que – to request forgiveness

Prohibir que – to forbid that

Puede ser que – it could be that

Recomendar que – to recommend that

Rogar que – to beg / plead

Sentir que – to regret that

Sugerir que – to suggest that

Tener miedo de que / temer que – to be frightened / anxiety that

Vale la pena – is is worthhile that

Other subjunctive phrases

En cuanto – as son as

En caso de que – in scenario…

A menos que – Unless of course that

Antes de que – before that

Después de que – soon after that

Con tal de que – so that

Cuando – when

Hasta que – until finally

Más vale que – it is much better that

Mientras que – while

Para que – in purchase that

Sin que – with no that

Tan pronto como – as quickly as

One particular characteristic obvious of these verbs is the use of “que” to cause the subjunctive – if you look at out for this and consider the principles you need to have no difficulty. I will not likely go into the particulars of the imperfect subjunctive but I will say this is often activated by if (si) phrases.